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The ProTrack Rail Isolator provides a convinient method for isolating track while keeping the rails in line.


Just solder the rails to the pads and enjoy derailment free running, say goodby to plastic fishplates.


Pack includes 4 pieces, Compatible with both Peco code 80 and code 55 track*.

*Code 55 tack will require a 1mm rise to match rail aligner height



    User Manual    


N - ProTrack Rail Isolator

SKU: TIS09001

    Rail aligners are excellent!

    average rating is 5 out of 5

    Mike Muha

    The ProTrack Rail Aligners really do their job well. They are easy to install and keep the rails aligned. Recommended!


    Fantastic product

    average rating is 5 out of 5

    Michael Gilmor

    Like Alan I learned about them from Larry's YouTube video. I use them in various locations on my layout


    Add one to a spare boggy

    average rating is 5 out of 5

    Michael Gilmor

    Works great and if you add one to a spare boggy, you can roll it through switches easily testing power to them.


    They work brilliantly!

    average rating is 5 out of 5


    Very easy to install using solder paste as recommended in the user manual, had no issues with rails overheating at all.
    I cut most of them down and removed the feeder wire sleeper from the aligner, this worked out really well on the point joins and the R2/R3 curves that join across modules. I’ve enclosed a picture of the installed aligner on the points.
    I found your products via a YouTube video from Larry in the USA, so glad I did!

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