The ProTrack Rail Isolator provides a convinient method for isolating track while keeping the rails in line.
Just solder the rails to the pads and enjoy derailment free running, say goodby to plastic fishplates.
Pack includes 4 pieces, Compatible with both Peco code 80 and code 55 track*.
*Code 55 tack will require a 1mm rise to match rail aligner height
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Rail aligners are excellent!
Mike Muha
The ProTrack Rail Aligners really do their job well. They are easy to install and keep the rails aligned. Recommended!
Fantastic product
Michael Gilmor
Like Alan I learned about them from Larry's YouTube video. I use them in various locations on my layout
Add one to a spare boggy
Michael Gilmor
Works great and if you add one to a spare boggy, you can roll it through switches easily testing power to them.
They work brilliantly!
Very easy to install using solder paste as recommended in the user manual, had no issues with rails overheating at all.
I cut most of them down and removed the feeder wire sleeper from the aligner, this worked out really well on the point joins and the R2/R3 curves that join across modules. I’ve enclosed a picture of the installed aligner on the points.
I found your products via a YouTube video from Larry in the USA, so glad I did!